>>14069763The subatomic level serves as a medium of interaction without the need of conductive surfaces or convective mediums. It's possible to configure yourself internally to cause changes in external intrinsic properties, like temperature. It's also possible for two independent things to do this so there's a sequence of casual interactions.
The fundamental principle driving this is Planck's constant. To exist, you need to be able to withstand interaction. Things change your insides. Your outsides stays the same. It's very very small. From this we have a speed of light.
With atoms, it's a way to categorize many things that are exactly alike. There are no differences among hydrogen atoms. And they are as real and material as anything.
There are things bigger than atoms that use their insides to interact, like buckminsterfullerene. There are things smaller than the atom that does this. As small as you can go is the Planck length. Anything smaller exists as a part of something else or doesn't exist at all.