>>14068520Ill explain it using an extreme case of inbreeding: Cloning. Imagine you could fuck yourself and have a little baby copy of you. Your kids and their kids are copies of a copy of a copy.
Every copy will have mistakes. Mutations. Transcription errors. After a few generations the creature would be unrecognizable.
How does nature fix this compounded error? With sex.
With sex you only pass along 50% of your genes. Statistics imply than sometimes you pass along less than 50% of your mutations, sometimes more than 50% of mutations, and 50% on average.
So basically your kids don't all come out with an average mutation load, but some have less mutations than both parents while others have more.
Ideally the kids with less mutations are fitter and reproduce more, the others die out childless.
This lottery has a bigger chance of working if both parents are somehow different genetically than if they are identical or very similar, particularly if you carry mutations that affect both alleles so you will always pass them along. This error cannot be cleared by statistics if your spouse also carries the same mutation in both alleles.
OTOH you can fuck your sister and have healthy kids if both of you already have excellent DNA, but that is rare.
Bottom line: Nature invented sex to cull out subhumans (suborganisms). The point is to mix different things and discard the worst mixes, you are not mixing anything when you just fuck your sister (that is also your mother).