academia and learning

No.14067951 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I reluctantly joined academia temporarily to further my future career prospects. When I joined I expected the professors, researchers, and scientists to enjoy learning, but I found the compete opposite is true. Most scientists and professors are totally immune to learning and have a mindset that they are too specialized to learn anything new. They think certain things are outside of their scope, even if knowing that thing would increase their ability to conduct good research ten fold. For example, knowing basic statistics/computer skills would help medicine so much but the professors refuse to learn those subjects. It's like their ego is getting in the way of learning something new ("I am too smart to learn new things").

I get that you have to specialize and there's not enough time in your life to learn everything but if you're a biologist shouldn't you learn at least 20% of the 5 most related fields? Maybe you can be ignorant about history but being ignorant about computers just hurts your ability to do quality research.