Potential way to increase penis growth

No.14066830 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Be warned I am an EE and have very little knowledge on this subject and want other peoples input of why this idea is retarded.

I was thinking of ways to increase penis growth and issues related to it. The main issue is that if you start injecting hormones related to puberty that would stimulate the growth of the penis your body will detect them and will compensate by generating other hormones that will counteract the injected hormones. If you try to compensate for this and inject crazy amounts to overwhelm it will have very negative side effects. So I was thinking of a solution. What if you create some sort of artificial hormone that will stimulate the growth but have a very short half life of a couple seconds. Since its short half life your body will not create the anti hormones as the glands are in your brain. This will also limit side effects as it will be a targeted. Only issue would be you would need a constant drip of these hormones as they are short lived. Solution is have some sort of implant that slowly excretes the hormones over time thus you will have a constant supply of it.

What are the issues with this idea? Seems like it would work. There is 2 main technical issues which are creating the hormones that have a short half life and creating the device that slowly administers it. We already have insulin pumps so it doesn't seem unrealistic to have a similar device that would be pretty much the same but injects the hormones slowly over time.