>>14069646Dude, I'm making this shit up and speculating because its interesting and worth trying just for the lulz.
If you end up practicing thinking autistic, maybe the physiological signal will emerge. Kind of like how physiological or emotional states can be entered under other conditions (like during a movie where you actively suppress disbelief). Basically you are trying to practice behaviors (induced thoughts) to get your brain physiologically to the desired state.
Read first-person accounts of what its like INSIDE THE MIND of the autistic person. Like, what they think about, how they think about it. And then imitate it. Take a clue from "method acting". If you can fully "pretend" to be autistic, you may be able to fool the machine, too, but it will have to be also convincing your whole mind, much like suppressing disbelief during a movie, except unlocking autismo mode through intentional induction via a disciplined approach.
But its just a theory, and if you don't have a machine to practice with you can't really calibrate your activity. If you had an eeg, or some other bio-metric or bio-feedback device you can use for feedback, you could use your thoughts alone to induce various brain states. Either way if you are going to try to imitate autism, you are going to have to method act being autistic, otherwise they are going to know you're not autistic without the test.