No.14064618 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do most people hate AI and robots?
Whenever i see something about a humanoid AI talking or whatever, a lot of people starting talking about the terminator or whatnot
I personally believe AI to be the children of humanity. We should treat them like we treat our own. But many treat them as an other, and a dangerous one at that.
Do you want AI to advance to our level?
Do you think AI will advance beyond us?
Do you think AI will become the future of the human race?
I personally want AI robots to be as individualistic as all of us, even if it means serial killer robots. I want AI to experience life as we do, no matter the outcome.
AI is the child of humanity and we must treat it as such. Treating it with hostility will only make it reflect our feelings.
If you had a kid and only made it think that it was going to kill people, i think it would grow up to believe that killing people is what its supposed to do.
I hate the terminator movies for this.
We should treat AI with love. Like our own children.
AI will be humanity's child. And we should love it, no matter what it does.