The vaxx is a corporate moneygrab
No.14063913 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Quoted By: >>14064284 >>14064309 >>14064376
Vaccines of the past that have gone through the FDA’s six stage approval process which includes conferences and trials at three different levels are safe and all, which I have done plenty of research on their contents and yes they are fine. The COVID vaccine is different because it’s described more as gene therapy where the spike protein literally alters the RNA of cells to produce it on their membranes to prevent COVID from injecting itself onto the cells. The core problem with this is first off, past experiments like the Dengue (if that’s how it’s spelled) fever in South America with mRNA vaccines have only made the epidemics worse because the genetically produces spike proteins eventually degrade themselves and cause severe side effects. The rates of decay are different for everyone and so far 1/16 people, according to yellow card adverse reactions over longer periods, who have taken the COVID vaccine have developed adverse reactions. People may not be dying of that vaccine, despite it not being supposed to kill people at all like regular vaccines that have a lower chance of killing you than getting struck by lightning, more than they are COVID itself, but they are developing severe neuromuscular and cardiovascular issues that are chronic and much more dangerous than COVID could ever cause at a much higher rate. Even the mRNA spike protein itself makes the virus worse by applying vascular issues with blood clotting now once those 3 months of immunity, literally said by the CDC, are up. The vaccine doesn’t even prevent transmission because mRNA only blocks COVID from infiltrating cells, not how actual vaccines work by teaching B-lymphocytes how to fight against COVID. The risks outweigh the benefit especially when we look at the broad picture of what’s to come. Call it a slippery slope but these side effects come way later typically, proving that the degradation process is a legit thing. Also, Israel and the UK, the vaccine doesn’t work