No.14063005 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Am I wrong about the nature of consciousness?
>If you step in a teleporter the current consciousness dies since person on other side is a copy.
>If you step through a magical portal which reconstructs you with the same atoms that stepped in, in same places it still won't matter because atoms have zero distinguishable qualities between each other.
>The matter of which the copy is made doesn't matter
>Therefore if the matter has no bearing on your consciousness the current you is the electricity in your brain.

So this would mean freezing yourself with some scifi bullshit would still kill (you)r consciousness while allowing a copy to be made in the same body. It seems silly to assume that just because something is physically the same it would retain your consciousness, it doesn't make sense. When your brain activity shuts off it's like stepping into a teleporter

Did I get it right? Correct me if you can