No.14057456 ViewReplyOriginalReport
explain why fluid or gas "in motion" has lower pressure that when stopped, which is PART of what makes airplanes fly.

But DESU, when I was in a Cessna it seemed it was 90% 'surfing' on the air or like a....wait for it....PLANING hull boat on thin water.

I've heard its something about how moving molecules simulate more or less stopped molecules but I'm just not getting it.

Also and related: WTF don't combustion in a jet engine combust back out the intake just as much as out the exhaust? WTF are the real equations and yeah its got a compressor but seems like whatever push the Comp gets from the Impeller would be less that the push back of the Combustion due to equal and opposite and conservation of energy etc.

I understand how a piston engine works. :)

I understand how a rocket works. :)

I even understand how a windmill on a boat connected to prop can make it sail directly into the wind. (its sorta like if you had two sailboat tacking upwind in opposite directions connected by long plank) :)