WTF can't we seed Venus with algae?

No.14056938 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I hear the Jew TV pop sci Carl Sagan was talking about this decades before he croaked but later found reasons it wouldn't work.

WTF are those reasons?

BTW while much of Venus is too hot its polar regions are colder than Earth which means temperate regions in between.

Domes on Mars will never be more that experiment unless you can build a nuclear powered glass factory, and even then problematic AF. Recently at the new Apple headquarters doing construction talked to some of the glass guys using some of the world's biggest glass and all sorts of production issues and the glass isn't even correctly curved, its "curved" in segments you can see if you look close and IMO that kinda ruins the whole thing. :(

Anyways, WTF could some GMO algae be seeded in Venus and that would crash the excess CO2 into bio-mass and in just a couple years Venus would have O2 rich atmosphere and be temperate and covered with rotting stinking bio-mass 100yrds deep ready for earthworms and plants.

Venus has one earth year "days" but not a prob because so many Earth plants (and animals) grow live on one year cycle.