>>14056726>over-processing foods and removing all the fiber content,'whole psyllium husk' is one of the best and cheapest supplements for a lot of people.
Food is a drug in our culture.
The average genetics are prone to fringe obesity, fringe diabetes, fringe heart disease, by simply going with the flow.
People eat carbs and corn syrup to constantly bump up their levels and ward off drops. People tend to eat until they are satiated rather than leaving off a bit hungry.
It takes the average US person about a week of heavy withdrawals to correct their diets and routines. About a month for PAWs, and about a year to really have lived it significantly.
as others have said, the market is subsidized, and while certain small things (de-emphasizing a phrase like 'super size') occur, there is a huge industry force including psychological marketing. There isn't an active force with any clout actually working against obesity... The doctors that treat obesity related diseases certainly aren't out to eliminate a major factor or two in their own market demand.