>>14056052If you want anti gravity technology to be released you need to accelerate collapse of USA. In the chaos you raid the fuckers who use this tech in secret and take it from one of their airbases or when they have it in transit.
They will literally never tell you how they physically generate anti gravitational field. If they come forward more they will try to spin it that the aliens are real and that we need to NWO and eat the bugs.
All jokes aside if you want to know how an anti gravity field is made just look up famous incidents or claims of observed anti gravity in science where the authors got suicided, disappeared, shut up, or god knows what else. 99% of the time these authors claim that very high intensity time changing magnetic fields are involved or they are using very intense electric fields in various geometries.
My money is on the magnetic field because if you look at UFO history, especially before they got good at glowie faggotry and psyoping, you'll constantly here about the magnetic effects of close encounters with UFOs, the polarization of light around UFOs, magnetization of UFO landing sights, the constant reference to bismuth and other types of magnetic shielding that would obviously be used in a UFO if you want to shield the occupants from 100s of Tesla, the occasional reference to superconductive materials recovered from crashes, the reported "hum" from nearby UFOs which likely comes from its magnetic field being modulated rapidly,
The list goes on and on.....