No.14052015 ViewReplyOriginalReport
There's two kinds of science: empirical science and gnostic science.

Empirical science is what you learn in college, and is your job to preserve and expand. You can't, like, not go to college and be a matematician.

But you can be a comp sci dropout like me with 6 units of discmath, stats and probs, and calc I under his belt, the LOWLIEST someone can be regarding science, but still read, study, and apply science in his work and life. This is called 'gnostic science'. Nobody expects my word to be empirical. Nobody WANTS my ideas to be based in reality. I learn math because 1- it helps me in programming, a lot. I don't know why people say you don't need mahth to program. 2- It flexes my brain. Epps has became my Holy Zabur of David. I wake up, I read some math, and my brain starts working. I discuss math on some bullshit forums (I don't help people though as I am not a mathematician, my understanding of math is basic and if I help someone that would be a crime) and this can go for any science. You can use science to exercise your brain. That would make your science 'gnostic'. You can come up with maxims that helps you think and work better. I call these maxims 'gnostic informationalism'. In other words, science fanfic.

I am in NO WAY a 'yay science' person. I actually know the limits of scinece. I don't make memes, I don't operate a Facebook page, and most importantly, I don't Dunning Kruger the fucking like that asshole Professor Dave who doesn't understand SHIT yet calls himself a 'professor'.

If you're a college dropout like me, but like science, don't be afraid. You don't need to be empriical to be scientific. You can always be gnostic. Not just math, any science. Not just hard scienc,e soft science as well .As long as you don't claim to know, and as long as you keep your ideas to yourself, and maybe a blog with a big disclaimer that your knowledge is not empricial but gnostic, you can do scinec.
