If water was with impurities within it then that must prove that water would never be pure in nature in most if all circumstances. Purity comes most often from creative hands of thinking minds to determine properties under a myriad of conditions whether it be quantum or biological or otherwise fantastical that peers into the minds of those special few. Water by its own foundation is impure and to remove such impurities makes it consumable to man. The devices in which we currently have to remove impurities are toxic by nature itself by virtue of their structure. Suggestions to change these devices are recognized and approved yet we are stagnant in any determinable progress hence I make a suggestion to guide the principle of these approaches.
To change the minutiae that perpetuate the eventual step for the water to be JUST should be the first step. To be JUST in this instance is to lead to the eventual state of decay to lesser toxicity from the material that binds. This leads to the state of Tolerable which means that the water is tolerable for humans to consume albeit with the caveat of still substantial risk when attempting to drink the still impure water. As one would apply some agent that would bring about natural dissipation and decay to bring about the borderline state of consumability thus ¨solving water salinity¨ on another hand comes the thought that water without impurities gives us no benefit in the form of minerals and the like. That situation would prove that the binding of the inorganic should be expressly targeted to the toxic materials afloat with regards to the current toxic binders of salt and other materials. I therefore conclude based on my train of thought that water needs to remain impure to be wholly consumable after desalination with eventual multistep decay that is mass-producible.
To change the minutiae that perpetuate the eventual step for the water to be JUST should be the first step. To be JUST in this instance is to lead to the eventual state of decay to lesser toxicity from the material that binds. This leads to the state of Tolerable which means that the water is tolerable for humans to consume albeit with the caveat of still substantial risk when attempting to drink the still impure water. As one would apply some agent that would bring about natural dissipation and decay to bring about the borderline state of consumability thus ¨solving water salinity¨ on another hand comes the thought that water without impurities gives us no benefit in the form of minerals and the like. That situation would prove that the binding of the inorganic should be expressly targeted to the toxic materials afloat with regards to the current toxic binders of salt and other materials. I therefore conclude based on my train of thought that water needs to remain impure to be wholly consumable after desalination with eventual multistep decay that is mass-producible.