the fags over at /g/ couldn't help me, so this is your time to shine & show you are the superior intellect board:
>does anyone know of a, cryptographically secure, one way function, that can (relatively) easily be done on paper?
the background for this question, if you care:
i want to have unique & secure passwords for all my websites so i dont get haxed. The problem is remembering a unique & strong password for every single website i use is too difficult. I thought about using a password manager program however i dont like how i have to install a program just to access my passwords. Also i have to synchronize the program between all my devices if i want it to work between them.
One anon on /g/ posted a pretty interesting idea for a "stateless" password manager that doesn't require synchronization or even a program to be installed. Its basically this following terminal bash command:
echo "<account>@<website>@<masterpassword> | sha256sum | base64 "
now i know you /sci/fags are kind of retarded when it comes to tech so i'll explain:
Basically you concatenate your account name with the website name & the master password (this is the only password you have to remember). Then you calculate the SHA256 hash of that string to get a irreversible & unique string, which is then your password for that site.
This actually works great & is what i am using ATM. However i have thought of a potential problem. What if one day i am in a situation where i need to know my specific password for a website, however i am not at a computer with a terminal to run the above command?
I would like to be able to basically calculate the password myself on a piece of paper if i ever need to. The problem right now is that it uses the SHA256 hashing algorithm which is very complex & requires you to seed your initial hash values with a very long predefined sequence of numbers which is impossible to remember. That is why i need to find a simpler algorithm, that is still secure.
>does anyone know of a, cryptographically secure, one way function, that can (relatively) easily be done on paper?
the background for this question, if you care:
i want to have unique & secure passwords for all my websites so i dont get haxed. The problem is remembering a unique & strong password for every single website i use is too difficult. I thought about using a password manager program however i dont like how i have to install a program just to access my passwords. Also i have to synchronize the program between all my devices if i want it to work between them.
One anon on /g/ posted a pretty interesting idea for a "stateless" password manager that doesn't require synchronization or even a program to be installed. Its basically this following terminal bash command:
echo "<account>@<website>@<masterpassword> | sha256sum | base64 "
now i know you /sci/fags are kind of retarded when it comes to tech so i'll explain:
Basically you concatenate your account name with the website name & the master password (this is the only password you have to remember). Then you calculate the SHA256 hash of that string to get a irreversible & unique string, which is then your password for that site.
This actually works great & is what i am using ATM. However i have thought of a potential problem. What if one day i am in a situation where i need to know my specific password for a website, however i am not at a computer with a terminal to run the above command?
I would like to be able to basically calculate the password myself on a piece of paper if i ever need to. The problem right now is that it uses the SHA256 hashing algorithm which is very complex & requires you to seed your initial hash values with a very long predefined sequence of numbers which is impossible to remember. That is why i need to find a simpler algorithm, that is still secure.