life laws

No.14040686 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is NOT a thread about opinion. Science and Math is for facts only.

Fact 1: many states have made abortion illegal because they recognise that life begins before birth, not at birth.

Fact 2: children in the womb are under the age of 18. See the number line provided...-9 months old is less than 18 years old.

Fact 3: Children under the age of 18 in America of American descent are citizens, minors, and otherwise dependants.

Fact 4: citizens, minors and dependants are subject to laws, rights and liberties(here namely the right to life, but also as minors it is illegal to give them alcohol or drugs)

Fact 5: in these states(Alabama, Texas, Idaho, etc.) as living humans the unborn are also minors.

Fact 6: If a pregnant woman in these states consumes alcohol then she is guilty of commiting a felony because she has force-fed a minor alcohol.

That's just science and math. Opinion is not allowed here.