>>14039749An app that uses AI to classify people and their preferences, and then matches them up to eachother with an algorithm that minimizes "reaching" and "settling".
The app should be run by a non-profit like a government. If not, then it should have a paywall where you only pay once to unlock the whole app. This will disincentivize keeping people on the app.
You never swipe individual people on the app. Instead, you select the better out of two fake AI-generated people so that the app effectively learns your preferences and priorities. The problem with swipe apps is that guys are swiping right on everyone and girls swipe right on noone, which provides no good learning or ranking opportunities.
Classification should not be based off of a single "ELO"-like number. Instead, it should take in lots of information from your profile, photos, and chats such as your weight, skin color, slutiness, introvertedness, intelligence, etc, which creates a vector of values.
The app then matches you with one person every week or so, so that you are forced to talk with them and only them. If you choose not to talk, then get fucked and go to the back of the queue, or go back to a swipe app.