The Ethics of Death and Modern Science

No.14038158 ViewReplyOriginalReport
In 1940 the soviets managed to detach several dogs as well as monkeys from their heads and keep their heads alive via vascular bypass. Dying from "old age" is a fancy way to say that your cardiovascular system failed (IE your heart), similarly most trauma deaths (car accidents, gunshot wounds, etc...) also result in death do to cardiac arrest rather than direct brain damage. This means that in theory relatively simple apparatus' could be developed to both enrich the blood with nutrients and oxygen, in fact such a device could be brought on site of accidents and the like by EMS to stabilize otherwise fatally wounded individuals or utilized to prolong the life of the average elderly human (perhaps indefinitely).

Realistically this process would result in the need to amputate the body from the head if the body cannot get oxygen in a reasonable amount of time.
