Space based conspiracies

No.14037519 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I sometimes see anons on /sci/ argue that most, if not all, things that we're told or shown of space are fake or wrong. Pictures of globe earth, the famous picture of a black hole etc. are fake and scientists ought not to be trusted. They're not telling the truth and are hiding it. There's many more examples of cynicism and unilateral dismissals of evidence, be it for light speed, general relativity and so on. NASA lies and space telescopes like JWST are fraudulent money pits.

My question is: who benefits? What's the motivation to hide the true nature of our universe? What's the point? Normal citizen's life is not affected if the earth is round or isn't, or if general relativity is wrong and the electric universe is true. I just don't understand the conspiracy part, the motivations for such conspiracies and who really benefits from perpetuation of the lies. It all seems so pointless.