No.14036807 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>first person in my family to go to college
>come from family of labourers and drug addicts
>always had high grades despite being the last one writing the test
>have an A in every college course going into the exam but then fail the exam
>go on academic probation for second semester
>start partying and making friends with other STEM students
>surprised to find out these people are doing so well despite smoking weed and gaming all day
>after learning more about them I find out the majority are either Jewish and or their parents are doctors, scientists, engineers or entrepreneurs
>fail first year engineering after countless all-nighters and a new formed drug habit

Is this what it all boils down to? These guys weren’t necessarily smarter than me, they just seemed to process information faster and the university rewarded them for it. They would even ask me for answers to assignments and lab questions, as I had a better mark than each one of them going into the exam.