>>14039077It'll just look like you bought some chinkshit from alibaba.
I would recommend sticking with domestic vendors if you can, though.
Never had a problem and I was an early adopter with the original Silk Road.
>>14039156DXM is a lot like ketamine, but not very much like traditional psychedelics. You can try it, but I don't think it'll help you with creativity in a meaningful way. If you want non-linear thinking the best would be DMT. In high doses it even makes everything not just non-linear, but actually hyperbolic. You'll see and grasp things that literally can't be thought or imagined naturally, or even remembered properly without some training. Can be repeated indefinitely too, unlike other psychedelics. Shame the half-life is so short. MAOIs might help with that but I haven't experimented with such a combination. I guess that would be like ayahusca.