Excess Radiation From Galactic Core Caused By Self-Anihilating Dark Matter

No.14036071 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Science controversy!


Science says the excess Gamma ray from the center of the galaxy is caused by self-anilhilating dark matter
>The extended excess toward the Galactic Center (GC) in gamma rays inferred from Fermi-LAT observations has been interpreted as being due to dark matter (DM) annihilation.

But now that theory has come into dispute
>Here, we perform new likelihood analyses of the GC and show that, when including templates for the stellar galactic and nuclear bulges, the GC shows no significant detection of a DM annihilation template, even after generous variations in the Galactic diffuse emission models and a wide range of DM halo profiles.

What does /sci/ think about this staggeringly important scientific issue?
Furthermore, what does /sci/ think about the fact that every inexplicable observation in astronomy is immediately taken as evidence of dark matter and that remains the conventional wisdom until more level headed and thorough researchers rule out dark matter? Its an irrational paradigm, shamefur dispray