Yes, women have always been psychopaths, completely unable to empathize when they feel their luxury may be compromised.
>divorce husband because he lost his job and is no longer of any use>leave children to broken family because chads cock was bigger>divorce husband to take his money>demand custody of children for facebook rep as single mom and FU to exhusband. Don't properly even feed or clothe themNow we live in a matriarchy where women control all of the achievements men once used to attract them.
>women get all the college degrees>women get 1st pick of all the top tier jobs>women get the vote in local, state, and federal elections>women get all of the sex using the apps men made for them.The only thing men have to bargain with is their biological features of which they had no control.
Are you surprised women have cast men aside and not only left them completely lonely,
but also use them as slave labor, making them work double to cover the work the women don't/can't actually do. In college and jobs
Also make fun of them online, calling out men for not having friends/getting pussy.
women are closer to animal. Idk why we put animals in charge and expected benevolence.
It's the classic, "don't feel bad for squishing the bug, if the bug were twice your size, he'd tear you limb from limb and let you suffer to death."