>>14035501>if I independently verify the dataYoure not trained to interpret data, but of course "the big bad jews" at harvard are lying to you.
You know what
There's two questions
Question number #1 le one:
if you needed surgery, would you prefer to have it done by the top elite surgeon who graduated with honors from harvard OR a crazy asshole with an incendiary discourse in youtube
Le questiony
Le number 2)
Who do you trust better to interpret complex data that comes from millions of difference sources: a team of harvard experts or a crazy asshole with an incendiary discourse in youtube
Your answersss
you have only wto choices for your answers
choice choice oneee:
1) you would get hte harvard surgeon
2) you admit youre wrong and that if this argument were sex you would have been raped so badly by me that you could fit 2 space shuttles in your inflamated anal cavity
Le option le number two
1)You would certainly absolutely deny a harvard surgeon to do surgery on you or any loved one and prefer the shit stained youtuber, this has to be 10024100213492104% your choice if you want to support the other choice, no you cant support the other choice withotu the other one
2) you choose the nutjob with no preparation except caterint to uneducated idiots (you are not a winner, you are obviously a sad loser vulnerable to hate speech, dont even try to deny it cause you know its the objective truth, if you were even vaguely able to get near women you wouldnt eat this bullshit)
n othing personal kid, im just an extreme winner and youre just an extreme loser
everyone on the thread, if he replies point and laugh ploxyh ploxersss