No.14031534 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am reaching out in hopes to finding an answer, I believe this is the right place as it is science related.

My cousin five years ago decided to do botox to her forehead. Unfortunately she had a reaction to her third injection and started to get flu like symptoms symptoms. She continued to develop symptoms such as numbness to her arms and feet at times and periods of shortness of breath out of nowhere. She also has developed insomnia from this. She did take the antitoxin but this did not work fully.

Does anyone know how long this shortness of breath lasts due to botulism? How about the numbness in her hands and feet? Does anyone know of any medications, vitamins, treatments that could help in this situation?

Obviously the botulinum is probably embedded still in her neurons, I did come across a research paper regarding a botulinum neurotoxin X that is supposed to help remove it from the neurons but have not found much else at the moment. Thank you for your time.