No.14028076 ViewReplyOriginalReport
There is a nigger who regularly travels between two different gentrified neighborhoods. In one neighborhood there is a White woman who wants to have a child with him, and across the city there is another White woman who also wants to have a child with him.

The nigger cannot decide if he will have one or two children, so he will leave it up to a coin toss. If Heads, he will have one child, and if Tails, two children. But if the coin lands on Heads, which woman would have his child? He would decide this by looking at "Shlomo's Guide to Race Mixing" which lists all of the gentrified neighborhoods in the city; the woman in the neighborhood that appears first would be the woman that he has a child with.

You are his child. You do not have a copy of Shlomo's Guide to Race Mixing. What is the probability that you are his only child?