The simulation hypothesis is that they have constructed a mockup of the USA in Antarctica populated mostly with clones grown from human eggs stolen in the alien abductions which used to be on TV all the time until 9/11 happened, after which time alien abduction was never mentioned on TV again. In the 90s, abduction and anal implants was topic of the first episode of South Park and The X-Files, but it disappeared after 9/11. All that stuff in the Patriot Act about "arbitrary, indefinite, chargless detention" which they act like is not used is really used all the time. That's when they kidnap your fucking ass and take you to the mockup in Antarctica. You can do Foucault pendulum experiments to determine where you are, but the mockup is very lifelike and most people who get sent there just think gangstalking suddenly started when the real issue is that whole population is a gangstalker clone slave army.