Dopamine receptor density

No.14015041 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I was given a single wafer of an antipsychotic, olanzapine
The half life is 33 hours so complete elimination is about 7 days.
The issue I’m having, is it’s been months since that dose and I’m still reeling from side effects
Motivational, cognitive etc
My question is, if the drug is out of my system, did it do permanent damage to my brain and permanently reduce dopamine receptor density in my brain
How long can I expect for the receptors to return to their original state if that’s possible at all? Or is something else going on that I don’t understand
It’s been about 8 months and the improvement has been marginal, 5%?

>can’t get high
>dopamine blockade should be long gone

So what’s wrong? From what I gather, other people rarely but do have this same problem, there’s just no consensus on whether recovery is possible