Fusion's Secret Sauce: A Blueprint for the Transition from Gluonic Fusion to Odderonic Fusion; The Final Puzzle Piece
It is believed that the collision of protons with protons generates gluons (and many other subatomic particles,) with odderons (also known as glueballs) being rare… but why?
In 2018, analysis of data correlated between Tevatron and LHC strongly suggested that odderons (only theoretical at the time) were influencing proton paths in their experiments at completely different energy levels at these two different facilities. In March 2021, the LHC was able to observe an odderon for the first time, validating a theory dating back to 1973. That said, I have held for some time that strong attractors combined with magnetism and not magnetism alone are the keys to artificial fusion. While gluons may aid in fusion, the distance over which they may carry force is quite limited (less than the width of a proton when dealing with a lone gluon.) Note, however, that this may increase somewhat when many gluons are in proximity, however not sufficiently to achieve ignition. Electrons and gluons have an adversarial relationship. According to my theory of nuclear decay, electron alignments are the underlying cause of decay. The alignments (like the planets aligning) are rare and yet happen with predictable frequency. This, I believe, is the reason why certain isotopes have such specific half-lives. Aligned electrons momentarily exert exponentially greater attractive force against dissimilarly charged protons, overcoming the strong attraction of gluon bonds between protons and neutrons. That said, I believe gluons come to exist only as a result of either A.) Proximity between a proton and a neutron or B.) Proximity between two protons. The use of a single beam would make discovery of odderons difficult, indeed, as I will explain.
It is believed that the collision of protons with protons generates gluons (and many other subatomic particles,) with odderons (also known as glueballs) being rare… but why?
In 2018, analysis of data correlated between Tevatron and LHC strongly suggested that odderons (only theoretical at the time) were influencing proton paths in their experiments at completely different energy levels at these two different facilities. In March 2021, the LHC was able to observe an odderon for the first time, validating a theory dating back to 1973. That said, I have held for some time that strong attractors combined with magnetism and not magnetism alone are the keys to artificial fusion. While gluons may aid in fusion, the distance over which they may carry force is quite limited (less than the width of a proton when dealing with a lone gluon.) Note, however, that this may increase somewhat when many gluons are in proximity, however not sufficiently to achieve ignition. Electrons and gluons have an adversarial relationship. According to my theory of nuclear decay, electron alignments are the underlying cause of decay. The alignments (like the planets aligning) are rare and yet happen with predictable frequency. This, I believe, is the reason why certain isotopes have such specific half-lives. Aligned electrons momentarily exert exponentially greater attractive force against dissimilarly charged protons, overcoming the strong attraction of gluon bonds between protons and neutrons. That said, I believe gluons come to exist only as a result of either A.) Proximity between a proton and a neutron or B.) Proximity between two protons. The use of a single beam would make discovery of odderons difficult, indeed, as I will explain.