Fractal nature

No.14012880 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ok /sci/, time for some real talk. Why are fractals everywhere? More importantly, why do we see them everywhere only when we take psychadelic drugs but are ignorant of them otherwise? Are fractals the code of 'The Matrix' in which we live?

Whether or not you find the trippy aspect of it enjoyable, you must admit that the universe seems to be governed by fractals, at most probably all levels of looking at it.

>distributions of galaxies can be described using fractals
>subatomic particles have fractal characteristics

The most obvious examples are the ones on Earth around us. Thunder, frost patterns, snowflakes, riverbeds are all clearly fractals. In biology - trees, lungs and neurons look pretty much the same. Coral reefs are fractals, and so are things like broccoli and pinecones.

From personal experience, if you trip balls on LSD, you will trip fractals on anything that is natural (self-evolved) or following a random distribution. Man-made things don't have them (so much), as those things have clearly been shaped and forced into their form by us, but if you look at random things like smoke/vapor, the distribution of threads on the surface of a towel, clouds, grass and soil distribution - all of it is spiraling and being all fractal-y.

I am sufficiently convinced that these things are embedded at the most fundamental level of the design of this universe. They are as close to 'god' that we have come.