Today's science and scientists are a bad joke. Maybe it was a good idea when Tesla and Einstein walked the earth, but today, it is a mixture of evil and incompetence. From gene therapy to mustard gas, science has become a satanic religion that ruthlessly propagandizes 'solutions' to problems that it solely created. It flip-flops constantly, hurting billions in the process. Then it demands trust and total subservience, which it receives, thanks to the short memories of its followers. Today's scientists cannot reproduce each other’s experiments, mostly due to incompetence, but cultural corruption too; every day in thousands of labs across the world the methods are quickly set aside for the moral high ground and social status. While the cultish followers think that the truth is paramount, it always plays third fiddle to flawed modern perceptions of morality and money. Money is the grease that allows the shit covered wheels of science to churn out garbage studies. Money creates clickbait, undeserved promotions, the foundations for corporate narratives, and above all, the means for subpar scientists to continue to breed subpar science. From the health benefits of thalidomide to cigarettes, from making and testing viruses to gene therapy, from cloning to testing chemicals on living mammals, from lead in fuel to sugar being healthier than fat, from WMDs in Iraq to feathered dinosaurs, the list goes on and on. The bottom line is, there isn't a lie you've been told, by government or corporation, that hasn't been built on corrupted science. Asbestos, clamping, circumcising, vaccinating, drug induced narcolepsy, birth defects, early onset cancer, you name it, science has done it to people just like you. And they will do it again, God knows which one of the manmade horrors gleefully shilled by science, is hurting us right this second. Just remember, when it hurts someone you love, science told you it was safe, and it is your fault for not trusting it.