>>14006653This, only go with this if you expect to continue in academia or some biotech company that conned its investors in saying that they will develop everything on a computer
When it comes to quantum mechanics read up on the methods used in practice HF, DFT, MP methods, learn how restricted and unrestricted HF methods work, learn about spin polarized DFT, coupled cluster methods, why CCSD(T) is considered the gold standard, if you have time implement a basic HF solver (by using a library that gives you the basis set integrals, its fucking herculean to implement your own gaussian basis set library)
But most importantly learn why those methods fail to give you the correct result and when.
DFT is notorious for giving you the wrong answers unless you use some meme exchange correlation functional fitted just for that system and assuming you used a modestly sized basis set
I wish there was a book about that, which also had some sort of practice problems that involve doing quantum chemical calculations