These numbers represent case rates per 100,000 population in my province
>55.53 unvaccinated (0 dose)
>55.78 partially vaccinated (1 dose)
>65.54 full vaccinated (>2 dose)
I don't know how to interpret it;
Is it a measure of relative population i.e.
>there are 55.53 known infections across a population of 100,000 unvaccinated (0-dose) people
>there are 55.78 known infections across a population of 100,000 partially vaccinated (1-dose) people
Or is it across a general population of 100,000 meaning the unvaccinated that represent only 15% or maybe 12% of the population are being infected at massive rates in relation to vaccinated people?
Please help.
>55.53 unvaccinated (0 dose)
>55.78 partially vaccinated (1 dose)
>65.54 full vaccinated (>2 dose)
I don't know how to interpret it;
Is it a measure of relative population i.e.
>there are 55.53 known infections across a population of 100,000 unvaccinated (0-dose) people
>there are 55.78 known infections across a population of 100,000 partially vaccinated (1-dose) people
Or is it across a general population of 100,000 meaning the unvaccinated that represent only 15% or maybe 12% of the population are being infected at massive rates in relation to vaccinated people?
Please help.