ANOTHER consciousness thread

No.14004058 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I post because I have had numerous "mystical" type experiences - via drugs - which might be of interest to anyone genuinely interested in neurology and this area of science.

To accurately just translate the experience to paper without adding any interpretation, "it is everything", it is seemingly recognized you and everything else are one. See, the human brain works on creating distinctions. This is how survival is possible, because you need to be able to see some arbitrary fluctuation in the visual field which is say an apple shape, and recognize that to be food. You need to distinguish between your body ends and everything else begins. In a large sense, your brain is TRICKING you into believing you are separate from existence as a whole, almost as if it wants you to believe you came INTO existence as opposed to arising from it as an aspect of it. Neurologically this is linked to DMN activity. The brain forces you to see leaves instead of just "tree"... In full ego death, "consciousness" seems to be exactly as Buddhists say "empty", total void, in which all things appear to in front of.

Intellectually, awareness and mind sits behind absolutely everything that you have ever known. It ALWAYS comes first... When chasing down materialism to the end stage you end up at a Bible like faith assertion of something that "just always existed, because it did, okay?!" or the understanding it is IMPOSSIBLE that physical objects exist at all.

Try to point out ANY physical object and describe what that object is without appealing to some form of perception or non-physical descriptors like math. Comparison to other objects finds out what neither thing fundamentally is. You WILL have to conclude eventually that it CANNOT be anything but imaginary.