>>13997524>>14007176Also, that graph you posted could easily be due to the rising population share of vaxxed. If 80% of the population is vaxxed, then you could easily see 90% of the patients being vaxxed, just due to fluctuations in small numbers.
However, I am not pro vaxx because it is not a vaccine, it is untested experimental gene therapy.
Spiked shedding has been proven to exist, and can be fatal to other people in the room. Many deaths have also occurred from the psuedovaccine.
My perception on the pseudovaccines is that they are probably equivalent to getting actual COVID, but MIGHT be slightly to a lot worse. Hence the intelligent reaction is to chance it with the virus, but wear a mask to limit viral load.
This is the real stuff that anti-gene therapy warriors should be focusing on, but since they are low IQ they're obsessed with an ADE that doesn't even exist.