do you find p zombie arguments convincing?
I don't. I think there's a logical contradiction in imagining a being identical to yourself but lacking in consciousness. where does it get the knowledge to report on your inner experiences without also having such inner experiences? you can say it only has the "psychological, functional" aspect of these experiences but that's a copout. It'll lead to a contradiction everytime.
you can't imagine it as chalmers claims, you can only imagine yourself imagining it.
I don't. I think there's a logical contradiction in imagining a being identical to yourself but lacking in consciousness. where does it get the knowledge to report on your inner experiences without also having such inner experiences? you can say it only has the "psychological, functional" aspect of these experiences but that's a copout. It'll lead to a contradiction everytime.
you can't imagine it as chalmers claims, you can only imagine yourself imagining it.