
No.13996133 ViewReplyOriginalReport
molnupiravir, the anti-covid pill

Emery University was designing the precursor to this pill to fight influenza. The drug does something where it induces copying errors into RNA so that when the virus replicates the replica is...wrong, just wrong, and then dies(ideally), but then the project was abandoned because the university could not overcome issues regarding permenant genetic problems, namely mutagenicity. It seems that the pill was creating mutations.

Mutagen: In genetics, a mutagen is a physical or chemical agent that permanently changes genetic material, usually DNA, in an organism and thus increases the frequency of mutations above the natural background level.

Have the companies that be overcome this issue know...evolving humanity into Cronenbergs, or will humanity look like this in a few weeks?

The FDA votes on it today, I think the EU alreafy approved it.

Is it safe?