>>13990906>> Why does the wealthiest person in the world get to pay a 3% true tax rate when the working class heart and soul of this country is required to pay a true tax rate closer to 25%Because the working class is a braindead cattle that licks the feet of its herder - the politicians, media and the goobermint.
While the big politicians, bankers, capitalist billionaires, celebrities etc continue to avoid taxes and offshore their liquid assets, the working class remains chained to the wagie dungeons - run by the modern corporate-soicialist nanny state. The atomised and alienated worker gets reduced to a mindless, chemically castrated and sterile debt slave with no chance of freedom, property, family, community or legacy - a mere cog in a machine.
No meat, No house, No meaningful dignified employment, No car, No marriage, No family, No children, Endless debts - A modern worker.