need to make strength gains while doing MMA

No.13990320 ViewReplyOriginalReport
My priorities are:

training MMA, training Muay Thai one day, then BJJ the next, 7 days a week (inb4 burnout)

after that, on the same priority I have cardio and powerlifting.

For cardio, I do sprints, and jogging, sometimes 2 miles for 2 sets. Never more than 4 mile jogs. Main goal is to get 2 sets of a 5 minute mile with 1 minute break inbetween

as for powerlifting im currently benching 1 plate for 10 reps, standing press with 25 plates on both sides for 1-2 reps, deadlift 3 and a half plates, squat im not doing cause i dont have the mobiltiy yet due to recent labrum surgery

goal is 1/2/3/4 at 160-170 lbs

sitting at 160 lbs 5'10. How many times a week can I lift without slowing down my MMA training/running?