How do I study for more than 25 minutes?

No.13985565 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Not even in a row. I only study about half an hour on average and I'm in med school. Only when I am extremely stressed (ie not passing a course = losing tuition) I can perform and study 12 hours in a row just fine, for weeks to an end.

I love what I'm studying. I know this because it's the only thing with topics that I study to depth in my free time. I also know that if I actually STUDY, I grab my phone almost automatically and go on social media, or watch a youtube video that is irrelevant.
There must be ways to actually get myself to do it without such conditions.

I've tried adderall and other pills but those just make me learn anything but my exam topics (learning foreign alphabets for example).
Please sci, I've little time left, the norwood reaper is rejoicing already.