>>13983761I'm only a student, but i work for one of my professors in a small lab gathering some data. I get lab experience, my name on some publications and a bit of money, and he gets some idiot (me) to do all the gruntwork.
The research i get to be a part of this way is absolutely fascinating though, the prof has invited me to do my PhD with him once i'm finish my graduate diploma this spring. And then if all goes well i can go to switzerland to his other lab and do my postdock work there. But thats all in the future.
Anyway, here is a really shitty gel i did friday. The idiot who diluted the new batch of ethidium-bromide fucked up, and it's waaay too srong.
Also, i could have loaded my wells better. But atleast i finally managed to get the right combo of PCR cycles and template DNA concentration to get decen band intensity. So now i can normalise all samples and set up a standard curve...