>>13988682the range 115-130 is precisely what 4chan means when it uses "midwit" as a negative epithet. This is ironic since perhaps the largest plurality of the website's userbase falls in this range, so they use it with at least some self-consciousness.
<70: pygmies and such, the retarded
70-85: Africans
85-100: The functional dim, the useless eaters. Some of them are quite nice, can crack a good joke etc but still, you can tell. I had an interaction with a guy the other day who must have been low 80s.
4chan doesn't even like to seriously consider the left hand side in any detail (except when they want to wallow in feels or similar), because it's just too depressing. As far as the userbase is concerned, only the right hand side warrants discussion, and this is why the "midwit" goalpost is moved to the right:
100-115: the decent dim. Normies, more useless eaters but a bit sharper. Can construct a coherent paragraph if called upon to do so. Can lead a team.
115-130: "midwits", and a large chunk of 4chan's userbase. Can complete STEM degrees, may read for pleasure. Can do well in business if entrepenureal [sic]. Since 4chan is self-conscious about this range they're usually scorned as a kind of bugman valley.
130-145: Very bright. You know the rest.