why do you believe in what you believe in?

No.13982287 ViewReplyOriginalReport
and if it is because of observation, you know its not necessarily true right? of course you do, but you estimated a sort of liklihood of that thing being true based on your observations and decided it was the most likely, the least absurd, right? well, my question is, how do you know that your measure of liklihood is somewhat correct? why do you trust it? for example, what if our ideas surrounding the laws of physics are completely wrong and what we have observed is merely coincidence. youd think that this is absurd, but why? perhaps there is a perfectly logical explanation for why this is actually incredibly likely out there, you dont know. why do you pretend to know things? you dont know anything. you can never be even a tiny bit confident in your knowledge, nor can you be even a tiny bit confident in how confident you should be in your knowledge. you know absolutely nothing. so why believe?