No.13982273 ViewReplyOriginalReport
To truly be happy and content with the status quo, you must be a psychopath.
No, I am not referring to someone that is immoral or callous, when I mean psychopath I simply mean you must possess an alternative neurological wiring to the vast majority of people.

Psychopathy thrives in industrial-Capitalist society. There is no tribe, no race, eventually no nation, just the individual grind towards the top of the world.

The people who truly rule over us are Psychopaths and the global elite possess this neurological wiring. It is fundamentally impossible for a normie to become a ruler because they simply don’t possess the mind for it.

There are effectively three species of Humans

Psychopaths - Industrial
Normies - Agricultural
Autists - Tribal

Normies feel ‘depressed’ sometimes because they are actually made for simple farming. The modern agricultural civilisations created the normie and that is their main purpose in life, to toil the farm and produce wealth for their lord. In the industrial society, they feel a slight link and can be happy, but will feel very confused by the machinery of this world and will feel as though something is inherently missing, which is becoming more and more apparent as technology evolves.

This leaves us with the last species, the Autist. The Autist has adapted the worst to civilisation, because they are the complete anti-thesis of it. They are untamed, wild and free, they have no interest in any social etiquette because in the tribal times before the agricultural revolution, they did not have to follow these rules and could simply hunt and fuck as they pleased.