Europa can be given a breathable atmosphere is less than 20 years

No.13977756 ViewReplyOriginalReport
fact 1: Europa's entire crust is saturated with radiolytically produced oxygen to the point where every cubic meter of ice is 1.2-7% oxygen clathrate
fact 2: oxygen is breathable at 0.2 bars of pressure
fact 3: for Europa to have a atmospheric pressure of this value a square meter air column only needs 13 tonnes of oxygen
Fact 4: this corresponds with the surface ice of Europa melting at a maximum of 1.2 kms or a minimum of only 220 meters.
fact 5: This could be accomplished with with only 500 Gigatons of nitrous oxide
fact 6: the surface of Europa has heaps of ammonia to make said nitrous oxide
Fact 7: the radiation field of Jupiter at Europa's orbit can be cleared out using tether satellites with only a few hundred kilowatts of power
Fact 8: Once the crust has outgas the appropriate amount of oxygen the satellites can be turned off and nitrous oxide will radiolytically decay over a year and temperature drop and freeze the crust again.
Fact 9: once the gas has decayed the satellites will be turned back on once again shielding Europa from radiation within its orbit.
fact 10: at this now once again cryogenic temperature Europa can hold a atmosphere for hundreds of millions of years despite being too low to conventionally hold an atmosphere at earth like temps.

there you go you now have a terraformed moon with a livable atmospheric surface pressure and breathable composition with a solid surface in close proximately to large amounts of energy and resources Jupiter and the other Jovian moons.

you can thank me later /sci/