>>13979813They have fantasies in their heads of being rich and famous, regardless of the degree they go after. When that doesn't pan out, they get angry and want to blame someone else.
Before they get a government loan (almost all student loans are government loans), they have to watch a series of videos explaining what a loan is, how interest works, and that they'll have to pay it back after college. There shouldn't even need to be a video. Anyone who can't figure out the basics of what a loan is, doesn't belong in college.
None of these "What? I have to pay it back?" types were tricked nor were they forced into anything. People like to say "Well, they were only 18 years old" but if they were too stupid and immature to understand the loan documents, they were also too stupid and immature to enter university.
Maybe there needs to be a test they have to take after watching the video testing their understanding of what a loan is and if they understand they have to pay it back. Failure means no four (to six or seven) year party. Bet the pass rate would be nearly 100% and mfers would still graduate claiming they didn't know what they were getting into.