Nerds, help me out. Why am I retarded?

No.13970946 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm terrible at math. I practice a lot, but it doesn't help. The complexity seems excessive, like mathematicians purposely make things more difficult than they have to be through esoteric language and overcomplicated formulas to keep brainlets like me out. Recently, I've been trying to improve my skills because I hate being bad at math. I've been watching videos on YouTube to improve myself. Here's an example of a seemingly simple problem I did.
>8 is 25% of a certain number. Given that 8 is 25% of that number, what is 50% of that number?
It's obviously 16, because 100% of something is made up of four 25%'s. If 8 is 25%, then all I have to do is multiply 8×2. But that's not how the guy in the video did it. He went through a long and complicated process with decimal points and crossing out numbers and carrying and shit. He still got the same answer as me, but I was pissed off that he did it in such a seemingly unnecessarily overly complicated way. Maybe that method would be better for larger numbers or something, but if that's the case, the question should have used larger numbers to begin with. Next was quadratic equations. I don't even remember what the question was, but I do remember that the numbers were represented with a, b, and c, which I understood. But then he starts another long equation with division, and acts like it's obvious that you should divide the numbers. Why? What makes it obvious that you divide those numbers? I thought maybe he was about to explain it, but no, he just kept doing the equation as if what he just said was as obvious as fire being hot. Based on what I've previously experienced, I'll bet there's also a ridiculously easy and obvious way to solve this problem too, but I'm too stupid to figure it out on my own. Anons, am I just hopelessly retarded? Or is math really being taught incorrectly to fuck with 100iq normies like me?