No.13964098 ViewReplyOriginalReport
No. Also vaxxspammers will NEVER be right. You can make a million threads shitting on vaccines it doesn't matter, in fact your shit threads are what motivated me to get the vaccine back in July. You're retards all of you and you don't belong on /sci/, you will NEVER be a real scientist. You have no studies, you have no credentials, you have no power. You are a facebook dweller twisted by boomers and karens into a crude mockery of a researcher.

All the "validation" you get is insane and repetitive. Behind your back people mock you. Real scientists are ashamed and disgusted by you, your "vaxcattle" laugh at your retarded labels behind closed doors.

Medical personnel are utterly repulsed by you. Hundreds of years of medical research have allowed them to save lives with incredible efficiency. Even unvaxxed who live look like shells of human beings. Your childish behavior is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to pass covid relatively unscathed you'll wish you hadn't once you crash from long covid fatigue.

You will never be free. You wrench out a fake look of superiority every time you're denied entry for not wearing a mask and tell yourself it's ok, but deep inside you feel the rejection creeping up like a weed, ready to crush your career under an unbearable weight.

Eventually it'll be too much to bear - you'll get the vaccine, tell yourself two more weeks, go through insane methods to negate it, and move on. Society will move on, staggered but relieved the pandemic is over so antivaxxers will finally shut up from their unbearable and loud ramblings. They'll make you cave, and everyone will know the anti-vaxxers have no place in society. Your ramblings will get deleted off servers, and nothing will remain of your legacy until the next pandemic happens and you post about it on facebook.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.