It wont' dude.
Remember; everything that happens is always the most boring, limp dick way anything it could happen. Humans are just too risk averse.
Global elites want to sterilize everyone with an injection?
>Causes riots, huge unrest, massive disruption to world economies and could eventually lead to a naturalist utopia
Covid is actually a superweapon developed by China and accidentally released?
>Insane political ramifications, WW3, bioweapon race
Ask yourself a question;does any of that sound cool, scary, or at least interesting? Yes? Then it's not going to fucking happen.
What's the most limp dicked, boring thing that could happen?
>Rushed vaccine with a few more adverse reactions then a normal vaccine that people shame each other into getting
>Covid is just a boring, highly infectious disease that's a little more deadly then a normal flu or cold
There's your answer. Nothing cool is going to happen.