No.13961504 ViewReplyOriginalReport
COVID VACCINE is in reality PINWORM EGGS that they put in your body

one tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of cayenne pepper mixed well and swallowed quickly helps in killing the PINWORMS IN YOUR BODY. I have been using this home remedy and it works very well on my 5 year old and 6 year old! launder everything a lot. keep eating SPCIY FOODS, and wash hands constantly! this will GET RID OF VACCINE IN in your body.

afterwards you have done this and get rid of vaccine become aware of following:

it is that

AMAZON JEFF BEZOS is using amazon offices/warehouse to make BLACK BUGS, TOADS AND SNAKES from DOG BLOOD in his offices which was seen by me in GUIDED FARSIGHT guided by LIGHT ENTITIES

a missile will be developed that is capable of flying to USA and creating an explosion to KILL JEFF BEZOS

apply for funding the missile